Episode 119

I Hate You | Shantaram | Wreck | Big Shot

This week on Bingewatch...

(01:38) Brand new comedy series from the creators of Friday Night Dinner, I Hate You is available on All4

(06:06) Period drama Shantaram makes its debut on Apple TV

(10:58) Something rather different in nautical comedy horror series Wreck, available on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer

(14:21) The return of basketball drama Big Shot, as season two arrives on Disney Plus.

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Hello and welcome to Binge Watch the podcast where we take a look at the hottest new TV and film releases on streaming television platforms. I'm Hannah Fernando, the editor of Woman Magazine. And I'm Ian, the q and writer on TV and Satellite Week Magazine And watch to watch.com. And today we're looking at the new releases for the week, starting for.

th of October,:

ch is based on Terry Gillum's:

Well, Netflix has fraught a thriller dark wire, directed by Oza star, Jason Bateman tells the true story of how the FBI set up a fake telecom company, which helped to secure the arrest of over a thousand criminals from across the globe. Well, we've got a mixed bag for you this week, both in terms of genre, and I would also say a little bit in terms of quality.

We're gonna start with the best, as always, already available on all four. It's a brand new company series from Robert Popp, the creator of Friday Night Dinner. And here's a clip. I'll give you my room. What, forever. One night. One month, One week, Two weeks, two days, nine days. Done. Cool. Cool, cool. Cool.

My juice smashing girls aren't there smashes. So I dunno about you Hannah, but. I am a massive fan of Friday Night Dinner. The fantastic family comedy from Robert Popp starring among others, Tam Greg and Simon Bird. Mr. Popper has come up with a brand and new series, and whereas in Friday night dinner you had the two brothers who were sort of.

Bickering, pranking each other. Love hate relationship. This is about two female bees who share a flat. They're called Charlie, who's played by the brilliant Tanya Reynolds, who was in sex education, and Becca, who is played by newcomer Melissa Saint. It's about their home lives, their love lives, and their work lives.

So it sounds as if it's gonna be a pretty typical kind of peep show style, flash share comedy. And what would be wrong with that? Because peep show's probably the best sitcom ever made. It's not quite like that though. It's rather unusual. Let me tell you why. So it's got this fantastic relationship between the two women.

They're both brilliant in the roles, the dialogue. Is super proper, is so good at com, comedic dialogue. However, it also has a rather toast of London style, surreal quality to it as well. And I'll explain what I mean by that. So, Well, for instance, in episode one, they both decided to start dating men in their seventies , which is, you know, I guess that's not surreal.

It's unusual, but also, uh, Charlie works for this man called Bob Oxygen, who his job is collecting and selling autograph. And Becca, uh, works in a sort of Dash oh, was Curtain Shop, I think it is run by this woman called a plant. So yes, you can tell that it's not your typical Flat Share sitcom. It's got some quite weird stuff going on as well.

Like at one point in episode one. Breaks into this very bizarre song, you're either gonna go with that or you're not. The opening titles are terrific as well. So it's got the two of them wearing jumpsuits and they're kind of dancing on a treadmill and then they look behind them, and there's a a real white horse right behind them.

But they carry on regardless, even though they're very surprised. And then they cut to the horse, which says, I hate. I love Friday night dinner. I really like this. Um, I think Papa is comedy genius and I think the two leads are terrific, and just the dialogue and the, and the plot ideas are so inventive. I don't know where he comes up with them, but they're great.

So I really liked it. Dtu, Hannah? Well, it's a tale of two halves, isn't it? Because on the one hand it's really relatable. I think, you know, the idea of having this kind of very intense friendship and, you know, loss of us, of how shared, and, you know, let's be honest, there are highs and lows of of that that you know, and they kind of.

You get to see that. And as I say, it's very relatable, the kind of the negotiating, the messy home and you know, who has a, a partner back and the other one doesn't. And all those kind of things are very relatable. But then on the other hand, like you say, there's sort this big age gap, which isn't necessarily.

I suppose it is still unusual to have that big on age gap, but that kind of thing is less relatable. So for me it, it, it's very, very funny. I, I really enjoyed it. There were lots of bits, lots of bits of it that I could relate to. Lots of bits that I thought, Yep, that was me when I was at university or living with in a house share afterwards.

And the two leads are really funny. They're kind of, they gel very well and that kind of very intense friend. It brings it all to life and it, it works because they work so well together. So, yeah, I, I thought it was funny. I, I, I thought it was really. Over on Apple tv Plus you are going to tell us about another new series this time.

It's a drama and it's called Shora. What brings you to Bomb Balin? Tell her nothing. Oh, have secret. I'll show you mine. If you show me yours. I'm no am number one guy in Bombay. Thank you. But no. Yes, sir. But only after three. No, it is a two. No. So I've watched a fair bit of this and I'm highly addicted already.

from a novel. And it back in:

There was lots of names that were being banded around of who was gonna take the big parts and it Johnny De and Russell Crow, and eventually Apple TV's got its hands on it and, um, there's 12 episodes. And I think the thing is, the story is, is vast and it's long and it's quite difficult. Um, To tell actually, so is one man's quest for forgiveness.

For redemption. Um, he has, um, is a convicted arm robber. Um, and he's a heroin addict and it's all about him. And he, you see him, it starts off in, in this Australian jail, which is where he. Essentially gets out of, and he tries to reinvent himself. He pleas to India and he tries to reinvent himself as a medic.

And Charlie Hamman, who plays this lead part attractive, but yet I think he's really well cast actually, because he, he, you can tell he's wrestling with himself, but of course it's got something for everybody because not only is he on the run, um, not only is he trying to create a new life without anybody knowing who he isn't, this guy is on the run.

There's also the, the element that he falls in love. And so you see. Have a relationship with a woman, which makes things even more complex. And so there's, it's action packed. It sort of pulls at the heart strings. I'm still working my way through it. It shows you for the world that you'd ne you'd never normally see, I suppose.

And it's really well done because on the surface, when I first looked at this, I thought I wasn't familiar with the book particularly. I hadn't read it as a really long book. Um, And I thought, I don't think this is for me, but you are hooked really quite quickly. So I warn you, if you are going to watch this, it will be a binge watch because it's one of those that you just can't stop viewing.

Um, did you enjoy I I did enjoy it. Like you, I've not read the book, but apparently celebrity fans of it include Oprah, win Free and Mad. and, um, yeah, h read it and he was really keen to play the lead character Lynn. So it starts off with the jail break. So I was totally on board from the off, because who doesn't like a prison break?

I, I didn't know anything about the story, so I was like, Okay, he's breaking out of jail. He's gonna make a new life in Australia for himself. No , as you say. The next thing is he's landing in Mumbai. Which was wow. Um, so I was absolutely taken with, you know, the sight and sounds of mumba. It's absolutely en chaning and it just, just makes you want to go to India.

If you've not been, And immediately he steps off the bus. All these guys want to sort of befriend him and, and be his guide and say, Oh, I know a nice hotel. I can take HECS . He does hook up with one of them and they have a nice relationship. But initially, while this guy is taking him round to various places to eat and to stay, of course they're all, um, swearing about this white guy.

Um, and also his name in Hindi means penis as well. , so, So, yeah, he falls in with the kind of underworld there. But I would say when I kind of first met all these characters, like pimps, prostitutes, sort of drug dealers and so on, I mean, not that I'm familiar with the Indian. Criminal underwear, but I sort of felt like there were characters who would only exist in a book or a film.

But having said that, oh and also, um, the main actor, he does take his shirt off a lot. . He's quite gra Sure. Cuz he's incredibly mussy. I wondered what I was so wonder what I was hooked. He's in good shape. I'm, I'm gonna say. But yeah. I thought he was good. Um, and yes. I very much enjoyed episode one and it's just so exotic.

I, I loved it. We've got something rather different coming up next to say the least. It's a new comedy horror, which is available on BBC Eye Player. It's been available this week and it's called Wreck, and here is a clip ship. It corrupts, it destroys people. It walsh's my sister. I came on here to find out what.

I love this ship. So I did see some of the publicity surrounding this, and it's basically a picture of someone in a duck sort of fancy dress costume with blood spattered all over the beak. So I thought, Oh, this looks, uh, interesting. Then I read one of the reviews and it described it as Holy Oaks on a boat.

I dunno when that's a good thing or a bad thing. So I don't watch Holly Oaks. The gist of it is it's available as a box set, by the way. So we start off with a scene on a cruise ship. And this woman is being chased by someone wearing a, It's like a one of those mascot outfits from a football match. It's a big fluffy yellow duck carrying a knife and spoiler alert, but it does happen right at the beginning.

It's the whole setup of the whole series to escape. She jumps off the, the cruise ship. Okay. Then we pick up the action. This young lads, Jamie, played by Oscar Kennedy from Lad Hood, he. Sort of covertly joined the crew so that he can find out the truth about what happened to his sister Jody, because he doesn't think she would commit suicide, and he yet, he wants to, he wants to investigate.

Basically, the problem with it is the scary bits aren't scary, and the funny bits aren't really very funny. However, uh, I quite liked the two main characters. They're both gay, so there's Jamie and then there's Vivian, who, who is a woman played by a doctor. A Graham cause they sort of become mates, uh, cuz they're both Newies and Jack Rowan is in it from Norths and crosses and he is the ex-boyfriend of the, the woman who's died.

I'd say he's kind of wasted in this perhaps, but anyway, as long as you don't take it, see seriously, which you're not supposed to. I, I suppose it's quite fun. They have a really kind of hedonistic crew party to start with. There's a really kind of hectoring, a captain on the ship. I. To be honest, it made me confirm to my suspicions that life on board, a cruise ship, whether you are a passenger or crew, is looks pretty, pretty grim, , even if there isn't a murderer stuck on the loose.

But that's just me. I thought it was okay. Pretty throw away stuff. Um, what did you think, Hannah? I suppose thumbs up for at least it being slightly different, having a clown as the body, I suppose, or film. But I mean, I, I think even one of the actors said, You know, who, who and Earth thought that a good idea was so fluffy duck to be the be the killer.

Um, till, isn't it? But it, it's, it is light entertainment, I should say. I think in the, in the run that we've got today, it probably comes out, you know, not, not so high, but it, it makes you jump a bit. It, like you say, Oh, I'm not sure. It's a fair indication of what a cruise is like. Not that I've ever been on a cruise.

I'm told they're amazing, but this one doesn't look so much. Um, but yeah, it, it's, it's okay. Now we're gonna finish off over on Disney Plus with a returning series. It's back for a second season. It's called Big Shot. There's points here. Oh, do I Gonna start? Me killing it. Want me on your team just a little bit.

So does this mean our school's co-ed? Like for real? Do you have any idea how complicated this is? About to get heads up. Hi, these boys have been here for five. Already. Do you think they can just walk all over us? It's funny because when I started to watch some of this, I was, I kind of thought, Hang on a minute, I've been here before.

We've talked about this before. And of course it's the second series and I've really enjoyed the first series, so I'm glad, I'm glad it's back. Um, you'll remember the basketball coach, um, who went to an all-girl school, an elite private girl school. The beginning was sort of laughed outta the school, but actually he has something to prove.

He was once at the top of his game and, um, he wants to, you know, create an incredibly good side at the school. Um, and I think everybody sort of treated him as if, Yeah. Right. Okay. Here he comes. But of course, we ended the last series with a very, Brilliant team. Um, he, he, he forged a very strong relationship or connection with those girls, um, who were called the Westbrook Sirens.

Um, and this time, this season is a little bit more. You learn a bit more about the girls, so you see a bit more about that, but also he, his aim is to raise the team's profile and he brings in someone new to the team, which of course, you know, a girl coming into an already strong group of girls is a difficult one.

She's got quite the attitude, um, and it focuses around her. I feel like this series has got a bit more relationship stuff going on. Um, I dunno, it seems a bit more attractive in this one. I dunno why, but it just sort of does, you kind of get insight into his life slightly more. Um, and it sort of revolves around their lives just as much as them being, um, them playing, I suppose basketball.

And then of course, . There are some boys added to the mix because the school appears to have become co-ed and when there are boys in school, you don't necessarily want to be playing basketball all the time, do you? So there's a whole new level to this. It's really fun. I enjoyed the first series, um, and I, I'm certainly gonna enjoy the second.

Did, did you enjoy it? I do like it actually. Um, John Stamos, who plays the coach, Marvin, who, who got kicks out the professional game. Cause I think he threw a chair, the umpire during a game. He's great. And I, I thought, where'd I know him from? And of course he played the therapist in that great serial killer comedy drama.

You do, you, do you recognize him from that anyway? Yeah. Yeah. You're right in that he's sort of, Because he was talking about leaving to go back into the professional game in the first series, but he decided to stay. He's more accepted, I guess now his d his daughter is at the school. The parents are separated.

She. Splits up with her boyfriend who's dated other people on the basketball team. There's also this new arrival that you talked about who This real hard case, beach volleyball player, Ava, She clashes immediately with the team captain. So there's a lot of. Bitching, uh, those sort of friendships are challenged.

And then because of circumstances at the boys school, as you say, they temporarily come to use the facilities at the girls school and of course throws the cat amongst the pigeons. Um, so yeah, I think it's really well done. It's got the sporty element so that their aim is can they, can they get to the, the finals of, of this new division?

They're in this series. Then there's all the sort of family life, love life, school life. It's, That's David, David E. Kelly series and he, he always creates quality stuff and I think it's probably aimed at sort of youngish teens, would you say? Hannah and I, I think it's well done. I think it's very well done now.

We've got to that time, Hannah. Where I find out what you've been watching this week. So yes, what you've been binging on. Well, apart from watching everything I needed to watch for this podcast, this very podcast, I've also been watching Maxine, which is, um, a new series on channel five about Maxine Carne, and it's truly harrowing, so don't watch it late at night like I did.

I've been watching. Yes, another bake off style show. Called The Big Blowout. No, I suspect they wanted to call it something slightly different, but it was too rude. Of course, it's the Hairdressing show presented by AJ Adu, who, who also does, uh, one of my favorite shows, Married at First Sight unveiled. She's doing later stuff now, and I think she's absolutely terrific.

But some of the hairstyles they create. Well, they will blow your mind. They're just crazy. So if you like all those sort of bake off style talent shows, um, practical talent shows, you will enjoy that. Now we've just got time to look ahead to next week's offering. So what are we gonna be talking about?

Hannah, you and McGregor and Ethan Hawk Star as troubled half brothers who reunite for their father's funeral in Apple TVs Raymond and. And Amazon Prime video's, mind bending sci-fi series. The Peripheral starring kick ass actress, Chloe Grace Martz follows a young American woman who's transported to a dangerous futuristic London by a virtual reality headset.

So we look forward to those and more, but in the meantime,

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