Episode 107

Prizefighter: The Life of Jem Belcher | I Love That for You | Trying S3 | John Torode's Ireland

This week on Bingewatch, new releases from Friday 22nd July 2022...

  • Russell Crowe and Ray Winstone star in Prizefighter on Amazon Prime Video,
  • a new comedy series on Paramount Plus about a fictional home shopping network in I Love That for You
  • Rafe Spall is back with season 3 of adoption comedy drama Trying on Apple TV, and
  • Masterchef's John Torode takes us on a cultural tour of Ireland in the aptly named John Torode's Ireland.

Skip to your favourite bit:

(02:10) Prizefighter: The Life of Jem Belcher

(05:47) I Love That for You

(11:17) Trying

(14:29) John Torode's Ireland

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Well, hello and welcome to binge. Watch the podcast where we take a look at the hottest new TV and film releases on streaming television platforms. I'm Hannah Fernando, the editor of woman magazine,


nd of July,:

I love that for you set as a home shopping TV channel.

What's not to love. Um, we'll also be looking at the return of apple TV's adoption, comedy drama, trying starring spool and Esther Smith and taking a culinary tour around the Emerald is in ter road's island on discovery plus. But first, Ian, what is in the

news? Well, apart from the fact that it's blisteringly hot, Hannah, uh yes.

Few grants will play Zeus. Yes. The God Zeus in Netflix is darkly comic modern day take on Greek and Roman mythology. What else is in the news? Hannah, apple TV

plus. Is showing a six part true life drama, and they will explore how Huey P and Newton played by Andre Holland. The activist who led the black Panther movement managed to allude a murder charge and escaped to Cuba in the seventies with the health of his friend and Hollywood producer.

But Schneider who's played by Aandra.

Decent selection this week, we've got a feature film. We've got a comedy drama, we've got a comedy and we've got a cooking travel log. So a little bit of something for everyone. . Anyway, we're gonna start off on Amazon prime video. Now I should say we were going to preview the gray man on Netflix, starring Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling.

But Netflix didn't send us a screener. So we missed that one. Uh, but instead something good on Amazon prime video, as I said, it's a feature film it's called prize fighter, the life of gem Belcher, and here's a clip. Boy B,

he thinks he can fight like his

grand dad. Good. Get you going. The only way to protect yourself is to fight.

Yeah. Got it. In

s champion of England between:

He's called Matt hings. He's clearly a talented fellow. It's also got Ray Winston doing full on Ray Winston as his trainer and surrogate father bill. So it's got that kind of, it's like, so period, Rocky vibe, I should warn you. It is quite bloody, uh, as you'd expect. With a lot of bare knuckle fighting. So if you're a bit squeamish about that, you might not enjoy it.

I, I, I certainly don't like people being punched repeatedly in the face, but that's just me, uh, Russell Crowe. I think he's decided to kind of give his character and. Irish accents. I'm not really sure. Although I think historically he actually was from Norfolk, but that doesn't really matter. Does it? It's the kind of rollicking period drama.

I would say. It's also got a touch of the Britons. Cause it's got the. This young boxer, he kind of gets involved in high society and it's quite sexy and cool. It's a good watch. I mean, don't expect too much sort of depth from it, but it's, it's got a lot of quite violence action, um, quite sexy. Uh, and it's got that kind of Rocky style.

Is he gonna become the world champion the training and all that. So, yeah, I think it's a perfectly enjoyable bit of popcorn cinema. What did you think Hannah?

Well, it's got Russell Crowe. I mean, do you want me to carry on speaking? Yes, of course you do. Is that a good or a bad thing? That's a good thing to look at anyway.

Let's not talk about any other, but yes, to look at it's a perfect thing for me. Um, yeah, I, I mean, you've kind of summed up really in, in as much as if you don't like bare knuckle fighting, if you don't like, you know, watching that kind of level of, um, It's really got gruesome in places actually mm-hmm and if you don't like that, this is not one for you.

And I tend to I'll watch things like this, but I kind of watch it through my, you know, fingers and I, and, and it's just becomes a bit kind of in the end, is this really, for me? and this was exactly one of those, probably a bit too much of that for me. But as I say, I think it probably will appeal to lots of people and people.

I mean, I even, I struggle to watch actual boxing and people just punching each other's faces in. So, you know, I, I am a bit wet when it comes to that. So I'd imagine, um, you know, lots of other people will enjoy it. I don't think it's got a huge amount of depth to it. Like you said, um, It, it, it does what it says on the tin.

I, I, I'm not sure it's gonna be winning any prizes, but it's, um, it's, it is a good watch. Um, but if you're like me, it'll be through your fingers.

Agreed. And if you don't like the violence, you can always enjoy the DED partying, which is quite good. wow. Bit of a change there. There is that bit of a change of pace.

You are now going to tell us about a new comedy series on paramount plus called. I love that for you.

This is item H 98 91, the twins, tandem St. And you know, it's such a mood lifter. So throw out your Prozac. Y'all. Just kidding, please don't draw out your pros at my dream was always to be a host on SVN. Of course I would not do anything without discussing it with you.

First. We've been on like two dates. This is a, quite a difficult one because it's, it's a comedy, but at times it's not that comedic. So for me anyway, and, and I must say from what I've seen, I've seen two episodes. And from, from what I've seen. I like it. I will be going back for more so that isn't a negative when I say that.

But, um, Vanessa Bayer plays the part of Joanna gold and it starts, um, the first episode with her in hospital, um, in a children's ward and she's battling leukemia. She's quite a canny child. It's it, it plays with your emotions because of course nobody wants to, or should ever have to see a child suffering from leukemia and hospital.

It's just horrific, but yet she's really quite unlikable. And that's a really quite clever thing to do actually. Um, because she, I say she's unlikable, perhaps that's too far. She's canny. She knows what she wants. She, and she's playing the sister. She's almost using her situation to get more. So perhaps it's not unlikeable, perhaps it's just actually very, very canny and, and quite on the ball.

But, um, she's not sort of, it's a weird set of emotions that you get. So that's why you start. Um, and her parents talking to the doctors, you know, and she's trying to get better. And while she's in the hospital bed, she's really quite obsessed with this shopping channel of something quite akin to something like QVC, um, where people are, are selling stuff and she gets well, she's totally obsessed with it.

And then it jumps to when she's older and she eventually does get a job there. Um, but the. The network that she works for the company that she works for, want her to capitalize on the fact that she has cancer rather than she did have cancer. Um, and, and this is a dream of her. She's always wanted to be a home shopping channel host.

That was what she absolutely wanted. She was working in Costco. I think she didn't, she didn't want to work there anymore. This was her big deal. And she's a, a really unusual character. She's somebody who was still living with her parents. Her parents were understand. Trying to wrap her in cotton wall at every stage of her life.

And she's don't want the standalone your feet. I need to move out. I need to move states. I want to do this. And she walked in, she pretended she had an agent. She walked to the front and she, she got the gig, but suddenly she. Sort of, um, fraternizing with a, a world that she has had nothing to do with. And, you know, frankly is, is, is not particularly pleasant, um, at times, but, and I'm not sure whether this is a bit of a, probably is a giveaway, but something happens and she has to lie that the cancer is back.

And so you can sort of see what I'm saying. When I build up this story, there are really funny parts to it. And her character is quite. Funny, slightly unlikable and slightly irritating at times throughout her, you know, young years, right through to, you know, where she is now. Um, And it, yeah, it, I like it. I thought it was, I thought it was very good.

I thought really interesting premise. I dunno how many seasons you could get out of this because it's one shopping channel. Maybe she'll move to another one or maybe she'll get another job at another one after what happens, but you know, it is, um, very exaggerated. Um, But I guess the, the way she's being forced to do things that she's uncomfortable with perhaps is relatable to many people who have had to do things to kind of progress their, their career.

So, yeah, definitely going back to watch more, um, really interesting premise and, and a mix of emotions, not just CHD. Do you like Ian?

Yeah, I really liked it. I mean, home shopping channel is just perfect for comic material. It's all there. Isn't it. And it's hilarious seeing her, trying to kind of learn the ropes, uh, with, with sort of mixed results.

And that sort of reminded me a bit of tipsy the, the Dustin Hoffman movie with which was set on that TV tape. So all the characters, all the egos. Um, Vanessa Byer. I mean, she actually did have leukemia as a child, um, which kind of gives a slightly different perspective on the whole issue of, of almost kind of making the, the cancer a comic device, cuz yeah.

As she, she, she, when she's, well, when something happens, she, she lies about it having come back. Um, she's, she's a good, uh, comedic talent, I think. And as you say her, her character's very deluded. There's a great sequence earlier on where she's on the. Date with a guy and she's saying, oh, I just wanted to run, run my idea about my future by you obviously, cuz you know, we're gonna be together.

And he's like, we've only been on two dates, so she's quite a deleted character. But yeah, I think I love it. Love

it when he says, have you ever have you dated much before, you know, is there have you and, and he's like, I think I'm gonna leave now.

yes. Right. So yeah, I, I thought it was really, really good and I love, I absolutely love the home shopping, which of course is always a favorite task on the apprentice.

Isn't. It is. Now I'm going to tell you about something that is coming back for a third series. It's a welcome return for the apple TV, comedy drama, trying. And here's a clip. How things been with the children? Ah, the adore them both princesses

have. Four foot seven inch ball of energy. oh my God. Do they have the faces of angels?

I bet they have the faces of angels. Yes. Do they totally love you yet? I bet they totally love you. Don't they

still haven't bonded promptly with them. Who wants to put a tent? I'm not fun enough. This arrives on Friday, the 22nd, there are eight episodes. It's stars, RA spa, and Esther Smith, who are a tremendous double act.

So if you've not seen seasons one and two, and I recommend that you go and watch 'em cuz they're very, very good. We've been following their journey through the adoption process. So jumping through all the hoops and overcoming obstacles and having sort of doubts about whether or not they're gonna make good parents, well, it's getting close now because they are on the verge of adopting.

Princess, uh, their, their foster daughter it's it's really well done. It is a comedy drama, cuz it's caught us quite a serious subject, but, but they also get some good laugh out out of the, the couple's sort of attempts to, to be the right kind of parents, you know, and, um, particularly Nicky. Played by Esther Smith.

She's frustrated that Jason played by Ray ball, who I think is a great comic talent. He seems to get on very naturally with kids just by kind of mucking about, whereas while she's trying to kind of do everything the right way and it just doesn't seem to be working. So, yeah, there's a bit of jeopardy because just when they're on the verge of it all going through suddenly, um, Their landlord wants to put their home up for sale.

If you've seen series one and two, it's more of the same and it's really good. I think it's a great domestic comedy drama, uh, about an interesting subject. If you haven't please go and watch them. Uh, Hannah, have you kept up with this one and do you like it? Yeah,

I do like it because I think it tackles, um, you know, really interesting topic and you really see.

Two people, the kind of very arduous process, which of course it must be, um, to adopting a child or in this case, possibly two. So, you know, it's, um, I, I think it is relatable to many people and, or interesting to those that perhaps, you know, won't won't and, and will never go through the process. So. Yeah, I, I think it, I think it has got this and I think it can keep going.

Um, I think it's, it is a really interesting one, but it is, it is funny too. And I think that's the lovely part of this, because I suspect when you are in the depths of despair with some of these processes, finding some humor, it can

only be a good thing. Yeah, definitely. And, and you mentioned that the there's the, uh, princess's younger brother suddenly comes into the frame and there's, there's a really nice little thing.

That's so, um, RA spools character like myself, He's a spurs fan, but to his horror, he discovers that this boy supports arsenal. So that's quite well done. You're going to finish off with a bit of a cookery travel log. Hannah on discovery. Plus John Terros island. I'm John ter. I'm a chef who's tasted and cooked food.

All over the world. As long as I Nick a recipe here and there, I don't really mind, but like many Australians, my family's origins lie in Ireland. I thought at high time I discover the food of this beautiful country.

I mean, this has never been done before. Has it a celebrity chef goes to a country and tries their food and loves it.

Sorry, I'm being. I'm being awful and naughty. I'm not, I'm just joking. It's act. I really enjoyed it. I enjoy things like this. Cause it makes me hungry. You need to eat, you need to watch it on a full belly basically is what I'm saying. So the master chef, judge, he literally cooks his way around Ireland. Um, it's a new series and the food is just immense.

The, I, I love the Guinness. I mean, he says, you know, about the Guinness really does taste different. It really does. And, and I think the bar answers. Yeah. And the more you drink, the better it gets, I thought, yeah, I can see that. It's just, it looks so cream and amazing. He has his first Irish coffee that he's never had before.

He's never lived. Um, I always like to finish my meal with that. Um, but you know, it's, it it's it's does what it says on mater. If you like watching people, I mean, you, you sit with genome doing it. Don't you going around these countries? They bring the country and the. Food and a culture alive somehow. And of course he is Australian, but he has ancestors, um, in Ireland.

So that's, that's the link, if you're wondering why he's in Ireland. And I think that he, he, he know he talks about the food there and the food scene undergoing a real Renaissance and, um, Uh, it does seem that way. I mean, obviously they're the editor highlights that we get to see, but it's, you know, they, they are diverse all their cities.

Um, you see him cook through each and every one of them meet some amazing people. And of course the backdrops really beautiful at times. So, you know, this is just something nice if you're watching the, the bare knuckle fighting prior to. This is the karma before you go to bed. Cause it's really quite warm and fluffy.

Did you like it?

I did like it. You're right. I mean, you can't move for cookery travel logs on tele I'm particular fan of Rick Stein. He's my favorite. But, um, road is, is a natural in front of the camera. He's just great. And I mean, it should make you want to go and visit the place and to eat the food. And tick tick.

So yeah, it it's, and it's just relax this kind of thing. It's just really relaxing TV. Isn't it. You can switch it on while you're cooking the tea or whatever, and you don't have to concentrate too much. And yeah, I learned some stuff. I didn't know. He's really getting into kind of the history of Irish food and looking how it's kind of going through a bit of a Renaissance now.

So yeah. Good stuff. And, um, that PR tells me that island has the best crack in the world as well. So we look forward to John trying that , we've got terrible shake. Isn't it dreadful? Uh, we've got to that point, Hannah, where you tell us, uh, if you can bear the heat in the living room. What if you've been binging


Well, do you know what? I'm actually having to be binging on what my children have been binging on because they're off school. Oh. So it has been make home mermaids on Netflix. Watch it. And you love a mermaid. This one is for you. Believe you me. Um, they are absolutely glued to it. It doesn't matter. What I do scream, shout, run round naked.

It is hot. Um, don't care. I just carry on watching it. So there you go.

Oh, okay. Well it's the summer of sport. So I've watched a lot of the open golf and I'm still watching a lot of the world championship athletics, and we got the Commonwealth games to come, but talking of. Chefs I did watch, um, there's a film about Anthony B down that chef on Netflix.

And I gotta say, I know it was a bit of cult figure. I find him kind of annoying. That's just me. We're nearly outta time, but we are quickly going to look ahead to what we're gonna be discussing next week. So, uh, yeah. What have we got in store

Hannah? Yep. We'll be looking a new drama on Disney plus called under the banner of heaven.

And that's starring Andrew Garfield and Daisy Edgar Jones.

Uh, we also have. On Amazon prime video, a new sci-fi series called paper girls in which four young friends embark on a time traveling adventure. So we look forward to those and more, but in the meantime,

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