Episode 105

The Sea Beast | The Baby | Physical | America the Beautiful

This week on Bingewatch, new animated feature The Sea Beast from Netflix, horror comedy The Baby from HBO available on Now TV, Rose Byrne is back in season 2 of Physical on Apple TV+ and in timely fashion to celebrate Independence Day, the Michael B. Jordan narrated documentary America the Beautiful on Disney+

(01:38) The Sea Beast

(05:44) The Baby

(10:01) America the Beautiful

(13:20) Physical

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Well, hello and welcome to binge. Watch the podcast where we take a look at the hottest new TV and film releases on streaming television platforms. I'm Hannah Fernando, the editor of woman magazine,

th of July,:

And now TV's comedy horror, the baby,

g at the return of apple TV's:

Hannah, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon of Goodwill hunting fame. Remember all those years ago, well, they have signed up for an as yet untitled Amazon prime video film about how Nike battled to sign a deal with basketball star, Michael Jordan in the eighties.

What else is in the news?

Well, Netflix, um, they are producing something called the brother's son. It's a very dark comic drama series. Um, starring Michelle, yo, who will play a Taiwanese woman whose life in Los Angeles with her youngest child is thrown into complete turmoil as it would be following the murder of her gangster husband and a sudden arrival in America of her criminal eldest son.


there you go. Okay, well, decent selection for you this week. We're gonna start off with an animated feature film on Netflix called the sea beast. It arrives on Friday, the 8th of July, and here is a clip. There was a time when sea beast would ravage our shores. And no ship was safe on the sea, but those days are over today.

Valiant warriors battle the beasts far beyond the horizon. So good news for you, Hannah. This, I would say is one for all the family. I really enjoyed it. It's an animated film. It's a seafaring adventure and it's set in a world where. These sea monsters roam the oceans and these heroes sail the seas to hunt them down and kill them.

Okay. Now like many good children's stories. It all starts in an orphanage. This 11 year old orphan maze is reading the story of the sea monsters and the adventurers to the rest of the orphans. She escapes from the orphanage spoiler alert. This just happened right at the beginning, and she STS away on, uh, this, this guy, Jacob, on his ship, which is called the inevitable.

It's a bit, there's a bit of a sort of Moby Dick feel to it. The seafaring action is very convincing the ship and everything looks great. And the captain particularly wants to get revenge. On this sea beast called the red bluster and Carl urban, who we know of course, well, we know him from star Trek initially, but he's in the brilliant, uh, superhero drama, the boys, he voices, Jacob, who is very much the hero of the piece.

He's a hunter and the wonderful Jared Harris of the crown and chin Nobel fame. He is voicing. The captain, captain Crow. What's quite interesting is that the, the monsters almost have the, a bit of a look of you. Remember that film series, how to train your dragon. They've got a little bit of a look of those dragons.

They've got a bit of a look of kind of Japanese animated feature films. Anyway, we're going on a journey ma and Jacob kind of get thrown together on this island. That's populated by strange creatures. Some of them are very cute. I have to admit, and we are going to discover that perhaps. The monsters, aren't just there to be terrified of and hunted down and killed.

Perhaps there's another way to live in harmony with the natural world. Anyway, I thought it was really good. Um, because I like the combination of the seafaring stuff is, is quite naturalistic. Really? It's totally believable. It's great. And the monsters look really weird, but in a good ways, it's got a combination of the good old fashioned seafaring yarn with, um, more modern kind of animation styles.

I really liked it. I thought it had a good voice cast. It was really exciting, also quite funny in places. So yeah, I, I really liked it. What do you think, Hannah?

Yeah, I really liked it too. You're quite right. It's a real fam well, it's going to be a real family favorite, I think. And, um, They are always so cheery aren't they?

These children's animated, um, films where, you know, as you say, it starts in an orphanage and it's all a bit sad, but actually these creatures, um, it's got really, it, it, it is got quite. I suppose an adventurous sort of side to it, but equally kind of an emotional side to it as well, because of course, as you say over time, um, the creatures that they've kind of been hunting aren't necessarily as bad as they originally thought.

So, you know, it's got that whole good spin that us parents want our children to see, you know, it's kind of restoring the equilibrium in the end and is they're happily ever after I'll I'll, I'll leave everyone to find that. But yeah, I think it, I think it is really nice. It is really fun and it, it seems the right time to have a, a good children's, um, animation come out now because, or family one, because of course the summer

holidays are starting.

Yes. Brace yourselves. Now you are, you are gonna tell us about a rather different take on. Early childhoods. now TV's comedy horror. The baby

I'd like to go over your statement.

The woman

fell from the cliff, followed by the baby, which I caught like this two police officers are D Natasha, a Boulder had

fallen on them.

You think I've crushed them

to death of a Boulder. Don't be deceived by this baby. Cuteness. Cause it is quite cute. This baby, actually, it's funny when I was, I was looking at this and I was thought, you know, am I allowed to say this there's a few children that perhaps do look slightly this one, she doesn't, but it is, it's a, it's an eight part comedy horror, which I always struggle with a bit because it's hard to laugh and be frightened, but it kind of works.

Um, And this childless chef Natasha she's literally landed with a baby and it's not hers. It falls outta the sky into her arms, which of course is a very, um, unbelievable story. And, and no one does believe her. And she, she tries very hard to kind of rid herself of this child, um, taking her to the police station.

To no a avail and she's, she ends up, um, sort of having to look after the baby, but , it's no ordinary child, um, is a demon in diapers, as they say supernatural powers and basically, um, can compel adults, um, To do his very evil bidding. So there's lots of dead bodies. Um, and as the body count grows, I think Natasha who's left looking after this child is incredibly frightened and sort of fierce by her own life.

But the, the, the narrative is quite funny. There is, um, some quite relatable bits to the early days of having a baby and how exhausted you are and the things that everybody says when they turn up to your house and you know, her raising her eyes. Um, whereas we. We probably all did that internally. Um, she kind of does it.

It is quite funny. Um, I, I always find, as I say, quite a two genres that I find quite hard or jazz slightly to me, but it does work. It's slightly odd. I just would've preferred a more sinister looking baby. What did you thinking?

I didn't particularly like it. I have to say. So it starts. In a dramatic way with, um, the baby and a woman who is carrying it, uh, going over the edge of the cliff, as you said.

So you think, oh my goodness, this is gonna be what's going on here. It's in the tradition, I guess, of sort of baby horror, such as Rosemary's baby, the, the, the famous film. But it's got, as you say, it's got this comedic spin. I felt that the idea that this cute looking baby was, was causing, you know, fatal accidents, uh, war thin.

I didn't find it particularly funny to start with. And it wore thin very quickly for me. Um, I do like Michelle Dewar, if that's how you pronounce it, who plays Natasha? The problem is it in the first episode, early on. Natasha's with her two female friends. One of them has had a baby. The other one is pregnant and she kind of, she feels like this pregnancy and, and babies are ruining their friendships.

And she, then she goes off to sort of find herself because she says she's very unhappy, but we don't really know why this isn't particularly explored. And she goes to stay in. This sort of place in the middle of nowhere, that, and she's surprised at how horrible it is, but I mean, you think she would've like Googled it or something anyway, that's by the, by, um, I don't think it can sustain a whole series.

But one good thing it does have going for it is that is, CSTI one of my favorite actors from peep show. And of course she's the other half of Welsh comic Ellis James she's in it. And she's always good. So it wasn't really my cup of tea, but it's, it is. Yeah. It's quite an unusual attention grabbing premise.

So. Have a look at episode one and, and see what you think. Slight change of pace. Hannah, we've got a new wildlife documentary series arriving on Disney plus that actually arrived on Monday the 4th of July. It's a sixth episode season and here's a clip. Welcome to north America. The only place where you can find every landscape from polar icecap to baking desert and everything in between whatever the neighborhood, there's a hero who can make it a home.

So, yes, as I say, released on the 4th of July, uh, it's narrated by Michael B, Jordan of. Black Panther fame. And it's looking at the landscapes and wildlife of north America. And as it says, right at the beginning, you know, north America as a consonant does have just about every habitat you can think of. Now, the problem that I have Hannah is I think we've been spoiled in the UK because we've just had countless David Attenborough wildlife.

Series and he sets the benchmark so high and he has his particular style. Doesn't he, this has a slightly kind of jokey narration, which I don't like with wildlife films. It's also got kind of soft rock soundtrack, which again, I'm, I'm not a fan of, but there's some good stuff in there. I mean, particularly.

The shots of the landscapes, which it looks if they've sort of taken drone footage and speeded this up, um, and of, uh, weather systems as well are, are pretty spectacular. And there's some interesting wildlife footage such as, uh, an alligator lying in weight to try and, um, catch and eat a young deer. So I'd say it is worth the watch, but for me, it's not in the league of the landmark.

Attenborough series, but north America's be useful and there's some interesting creatures and critters to enjoy. What did you think?

Yeah, I think you absolutely sum up. I mean, we have been so, um, indulged haven't we by David Attenborough and incredible, uh, filmography and, and, and just kind of amazing pictures and things that we never thought we'd be able to see, which take, you know, some cases, years to pull off.

So we have just been incredibly lucky. Um, so I'm not sure this Tre. anywhere close to that. I mean, I, I do like wildlife kind of documentaries anyway, and you're always gonna see something, um, that is breathtaking and amazing. Of course you are. It is the animal world and it's in their own natural habitat.

And, um, you know, there is a, you know, a large range of animals in this and know I'm, it, it works just because you are interested in the animals, but I'm not sure that it's a patch on what we've seen already. So yeah. Worth watching if you like, um, you know, nature, documentaries, and, and, and you like to learn more about the animal world.

But as I say, I think we have been quite

spoiled. I agree. And it's a reminder that there's quite a lot of animals in north America that can kill you. So be careful holiday makers. , uh, we're gonna finish off with the return of a very, very good series on apple TV, plus, which you are going to tell us all about Hannah physical.

Allow me to present to the titular body behind body by Sheila. That is a Dyna. Look an outfit. What's that color yellow eyes on

the prize.

I would love to expand into my own lifestyle brand, stick to the plan. I want you to go out there and promote your film. It's a videotape, whatever it is,

he doesn't care.

I'm a massive fan of rose burn. So, you know, this absolutely works straight away because she's just ageless. She just doesn't look any older. Every time I look at it's absolutely amazing. So of course. In the first series. Um, this is the second series. You do you need to watch the first series maybe quick catch up would be quite good.

Um, I think, I think you kind of need to see the premise of this woman and kind of how steely steely determined she is as a person. Um, so in the first series you are seeing her sell her workout videos. Um, just locally, she reminds me of kind of Lizzy off. Um, what used to be is it GMTV or whatever it used to be called?

Um, morning breakfast show. And she's kind of, you know, all in the Lyra and looks amazing in the Lyra. Um, but this series, she, she wants it big. She's completely fed up with a housewife type, um, position in life and she doesn't want it anymore. And she kind of will go to any length to get what she wants. So she looks to, um, She kind of, sort of stands on people's heads if you like to get to where she needs to.

And in this series, we, she, we see her sort of partner up and I, I don't, when I say partner up. Not necessarily as a team member, but somebody that's trying to get insight into how they've been. So, so successful. So she kind of befriends this rising fitness guru, Vinnie green. Um, who's played by the white load, says Murray Bartlett and, and she wants kind of the inspiration from him.

But as soon it's quite apparent, actually she wants to be the, the big star. And, um, what she'll any length she'll go to, to get to that. It's really quite funny in places. I think. Rose burn herself is, is a great actor. And, and so therefore it absolutely works. Um, and I can see series this series continuing actually, because there's so much space here.

Um, and it, and you kind of see into a world that is really quite fake on a lot of levels. Um, but I love her. Absolute determination to get to the top, no matter what, cuz let's be honest. There are people like

ay it's almost like a sort of:

Of course that's great. And there's a really good music in it as well from the eighties. And of course all the clothing, but. I only watched episode one of, of series one and I really liked it. And as you say, she's fantastic and it's got her kind of interior monologue going on as she's going about her business.

You hear her thoughts. And in episode one, she's at this party full of kind of entrepreneurs and she's meeting all these dreadful men and, um, she's bottling up her frustration with her. Husband, who is like a sort of failed politician really? And, um, it all just comes out. in this big outburst, which is great.

And then you think, oh good. She's finally gonna split up from her husband, but you'll see how it pan out anyway. But it's. The dialogue is great. The acting is great. It looks terrific. Um, and it's yeah, it's all good stuff about women trying to make it in quite a sexist man's world. So, uh, yeah, highly recommended and yeah, I do think to get the background, you, you, you do need to go back and look at season one, but you all very much enjoy it.

Now, we've got to that point, Hannah, where you tell us, oh, there's so much sport on, but anyway, have you had time to watch anything else?

I know the weekend, there were like three phones going on with different sports on each one, not and with no one knowing where to look. Um, we have watched been watching the sport, but also for the first time I let my children watch the original top gun because of course the new top guns.

And, um, we wondered whether it was a little bit, it was funny actually to see their reaction, but for a really old show, it's it's held on. Well, it was really enjoyable. Yeah, it was great. And they loved

it. Good stuff. Well, I watched which we, we didn't pick up last week, which we could have done. There's a very good documentary series on BBC.

I player my life as a rolling stone. And it's the story of. The rolling stones, but with an episode D dedicated to each sort of surviving member of the band, it got quite a sniffy review in the guardian newspaper, but I very much enjoyed it. Um, so that's recommended and yes, like you watching a lot of Wimbledon.

I'm not entirely, uh, happy with Nick C. I know he's, he's a bit more mighty. I'm against I'm I'm not team curious. I'm team kick him out the game. But anyway, that's just me. It's

cause he's got no manners. How's he? That's

the problem. Ah, it's rude. Isn't it? It's bad sponsorship. Anyway. That's for another podcast.

So , he's just got time to look forward to what we're gonna be talking about next week. So what have we got Hannah?

Well, Dakota Johnson will be starring in Jane Austin's tale of lost love. And second Johnson's persuasion, which will be on Netflix.

And James May is packing his bags for his latest TV joints on Amazon prime video in James May.

Our man in Italy. So we look forward to those and more, but in the meantime,

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